Monday, 16 February 2009

Thought and Feelings

The minds eye, described as the 'Eye of Horus' in Egypt was a familiar concept to their philosophers. This symbol represents the inner perception of consciousness and as such was linked to the heart of Horus (the king).
It's components consist not only of sight:
The eyebrow represents thoughts. The pupil implies sight, the line spiralling away from the eye shows sound to the ears, the vertical line next to it represents the nose, and the shape of the eye lids around the pupil indicates the mouth.

In Buddhism it is said, the cause of suffering derives from the three poisons that exist within humanity; Greed, Ignorance and Anger. The Tao Teh Ching - #67 says; “I have three treasures. Guard them and keep them safe!The first is love; the second is moderation; the third is humility.”
'Greed and moderation' relate to the understanding of our needs and desires. 'Anger and love' relate to the implications of our feelings, and 'Ignorance and humility' relate to our observation of the unknown, and its possibilities.

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