Friday, 20 February 2009

Water and Consciousness

Why is it that when we are too full of emotion water is released from our eyes? What purpose does this serve?
Our body is between 70 and 85% water, all living things are in fact water containers of one sort or another.
Water is an incredible substance, it is the most corrosive substance on Earth and is unique among the 15 million known substances in that its solid state is less dense than its liquid state. The enormous force which it exerts as it freezes has been used by stone masons to quarry rock during the night freezes for millennia. This characteristic is likely connected to its incredibly high surface tension, which enables it to climb to limitless heights by capillary attraction. Without this characteristic plant life as we know it would not exist.

Water has other unique characteristics which distinguish it from other substances with molecules of comparable mass. Chemists refer to these as the “Anomalous” properties of water. Although water is always chemically H2O, at a molecular level it forms what are known as 'memory clusters'. Each snowflakes shape is unique because it registers a history of its interactions with the environment.
These structures seem to make water more similar to a gel than a liquid. The geometric shapes of these clusters are currently being investigated due to their apparent reaction to stimulus from their environment, including: vibration, consciousness, emotion, electromagnetic charge and music.

Healthy natural waters such as pure rain or snow have this hexagonal structure, hence ice crystals such as snowflakes show the hexagonal fractal structure locked into form. Hexagonal clusters in water is found around healthy cells of living organisms, and is involved in cellular communication, intracellular water movement, enzyme function and many other metabolic processes. On the other hand, unhealthy, unnatural water often clumps into clusters of five molecules. This “pentagonal” water is found in unhealthy tissue and cells, and in reverse osmosis filtration systems. It increases acid waste and decreases beneficial oxygen in tissue.
Current studies appear to show that the crystalline structure of water clusters are maintained when water flows in natural curves like those of the meanders of rivers, but can be smashed to unenergised formations when it is forced through abruptly angled pipework.
As Bruce Lipton, Mazuru Emoto, and others have shown, your consciousness be it your perception or self esteem, affects the water (and other structures) in your body.
It seems highly likely that the water in your body is actually a part of your consciousness acting as an interface to your physical experiences.

Chapter #78 – Tao Teh Ching

There is nothing more flexible and yielding than water. And yet there is nothing better for attacking the hard and rigid, there is nothing that can do what it can do. So it is that the rigid can be overcome by the flexible, and the haughty by the humble. Yet even knowing this; still no one will put this into adequate practice.

Developing Chi in the Body

The beginning training involves the interrelationship between the hearts fire and water of the kidneys. The kidneys are associated with the health and condition of the spine and it is said in Eastern medicine that;
“When the heart and kidneys interact properly then essence and function are complete.” This will occur around the stage where the three gates are ready to open for complete Chi flow by connection of the Jen and Tu meridians. (See Stages of Development -Earth phase 3)

Morning water: To supply the kidneys when you first wake (an active time for the organ) drink a pint of warm water. A pinch of salt will help this to be absorbed rather than immediately urinated. Water at this time is much more useful to your system that at other times of the day. After some time of this routine you will notice the great benefit to your bowel movement.

The Five Characters of Energy

Example application in; The Blood Cycle

Fire – The heart produces the energy to pump the blood around the body.
Metal – The blood passes through the lungs where it picks up trace elements.
Water – The kidneys regulate the balance between water and soluble matter (i.e. salt)
Wood – The liver cleans the blood of toxins.
Earth – The spleen holds a reservoir of blood and destroys old red blood cells.
Metal – Solid waste passes out through the large intestine.

First there is the energy of creation, which for the sake of simplicity I will call Ptah (or Tao). Then there is the process of Seth causing the energies of Yin and Yang. Beneath this are an infinite number of types and blends of energy. To begin to comprehend them in a useful way we need to group them into broad categories.
The process of energies in Taoism is known as the Five Transformative Elements or ‘Wu-sing'. These transformations are key to the way of understanding and developing the life energies and their relationships in our bodies.

It is a mistake to think of this system as privative because of its simplicity. It represents the tip of the iceberg so to speak, and its simplicity is what makes it such a useful tool for understanding. There is the possibility of ever increasing complexity of natures way beneath it. These complexities are usually left in the domain of instinct and the subconscious for good reason. It is probably helpful to think of the Wu-sing like a steering wheel which leaves our conscious free for its purpose I.e driving with feeling, rather than flooding ourselves with details from the Engine room.

All five elements are present in the human body and are an important part of understanding the sensations of internal energy practice. Everyone has first hand knowledge of how these substances will interact with each other. They are however not rigid definitions but relative to the situation they are being applied to.

Hydrogen doesn't have an electron, but this does not mean that the rule of 'yin and yang' or 'ba and ka' energy does not apply. The absence of the yin does not prevent the possibility of yin in the future. The volume as such is turned down but it still has the potential to be turned up. Potential creates possible opposites (yin, yang).-The difference between these points is a ‘change’ (change is type of movement). Change is a product of consciousness, all matter is connected to consciousness. Nothing is untouched by consciousness, but it is the complete observer that creates the full potential (as discussed later).

Heat is created by the change of states in the frame of time.

-The colder a substance becomes the more dense it becomes.-Dense substance can be either fluid or solid.

-Hot substance can also be either fluid or solid.(Note; Gas is an extremity of fluidity)

Thus the possibilities are;

1 – Hot fluid substance

2 – Hot solid substance

3 – Dense fluid substance

4 – Dense solid substance

5 – The central neutral substances between.

The substances familiar to everyone which best summarize these brackets of characteristics are;

1 – Fire, 2 – Wood, 3 – Water, 4 – Metal, 5 – Earth.

Balance of the Two Truths

Left: This Egyptian crown represents the balance between the energy rising from earth (by the serpent), and the energy descending from above (by the vulture) unified within mankind achieving understanding and harmony (Ma'at).

Tai Chi philosophy, is at its heart the mastery of balance and harmony between the opposite forces which make existence possible.

In Taoism the same understanding is applied to the physical and spiritual occurrences of our life, or if you prefer the relationship between the visible and the invisible forces which affect us. Taoisms ultimate aim is not just the manipulation of nature but our harmony with it.
Our body exists in balance with the Universe that contains us. Though remarkably resistant our body will only function within certain environmental conditions such as those of our planet. Even on Earth if we are not careful it is easy to exceed the body’s limitations. In fact there are so many things out of our control that could have gone wrong up to this point, that it is a miracle that we are here at all. A large part of this miracle that keeps us alive is the immune system. It represents our strength i.e. our resilience to the negative effects of any of the causes of diseases. The entire mind body and soul is a part of that defence system and at a base level the immune system is made strong by our overall energetic condition.

Our experience of life comes to us through our senses: We interpret this information with thought and emotion, this is our perception. From this, we build memories which contain our conclusions. We then apply these values to anticipate the outcome of future events. For the most part the more experience we gain, the more successful we become at these forecasts, but life by its very nature is a constant process of change and can throw infinitely varied possibilities our way. North, South, East or West we never know which way the wind will blow or what tomorrow will bring. So the system we choose to use for our understanding has to enable us to be infinitely adaptable to the possibilities. Only duality can enable us to see the full picture. This duality means using our full potential to see from both of our perspectives I.e. the individual and our holistic heart.