We often assume that air is just the space between one thing and another rather than the ocean of invisible elements which it contains. We are constantly surrounded by this ocean of air and draw it into ourselves where it permeates all of our body and forms part of us.
At an atomic level air is full of waves of energy such as: Radio, Electrical and magnetic currents etc. Our conscious registers only very few of these and usually only if they reach high enough levels that could become a danger to us.
-Democritus (400 BC)
”By convention there is colour,by convention sweetness, by convention bitterness,but in reality there are atoms and space.”
If you took four atoms out of the air in front of you, one from some stone dust, One from some water vapour, and the other two from wood and metal dust, they would all share something in common. Apart from having the characteristics of the element which they come from they each have a Proton (+) and an electron (-) and also a Neutron (with no charge). In Taoism the proton represents (yang energy +) the electron (yin energy -), and the Neutron (Wu Neutral). In ancient Egypt the equivalent were (Ba +) and (Ka -) & Neutral known as (Nun).
The particles in an atom are not still. The electron is constantly spinning around the centre of the atom (called the nucleus). An atom that carries an electrical charge is called an ion. One peculiarity of this tiny world is that although protons and neutrons behave like small particles. The electron is more similar to a beam of light that surrounds the nucleus like a cloud.
‘When recording the reactions of subatomic particles it was observed that the results were not consistent due to the apparent effect of the observers influence on the particles due to their expectations. Thus the observer has to be included in the parameters of the experiment.’
which are usually squandered in the
mundane perceptions of the five senses.”
- Chen Man-ching (Grand master Tai ji chuan)
The frequency at which the electron interacts with the proton can be due to the level of heat energy present. The kind of energy that can be released by splitting an atom is a useful example of the power of polar opposites as is described in Tai chi theory.
Through Tai Chi and Chi Kung practice the meridians and channels of our body are strengthened and intensified for our benefit. In Chi development the first two energies to observe are water (our body is 90% water) and fire (energy of the electron.)
As we breathe, we absorb these atoms and their energy which adds to the energetic waves flows (meridians) already in our body. These meridians exist in the body in the same way that consistent currents such as the ‘North Atlantic Drift’ exist within the ocean or how the magnetic forces of the Earth flow through the North and South Pole. These energy flows do not just flow like water following the path of least resistance but are influenced by the expectation of consciousness. The Chi arts are the culmination of what has been learnt about our ability to influence and cultivate these energies within ourselves, and at the higher levels also influence these energies in one another.
A common symptom of poor health is a lack of energy. If our energy is low we probably look first to food or sleep, maybe we even recognize our high need of water consumption but do we consider the effect of our consciousness on our physical health and our constant need to consume the air around us?
Experiment: Take a breath then fully exhale, hold your nose and close your mouth. Try to fight your habit to inhale again for as long as you can. You should notice your body begin to get hot, you may even begin to sweat. You may even notice your abdomen begin to jump. Without exercise your body has already raised the metabolism and you probably feel a little more awake than you did before. The practices detailed in this book strengthens the metabolism making recovery from the inevitable effects of life faster.
Our body exists in balance with the Universe that contains us. Though remarkably resistant our body will only function within certain environmental conditions such as those of our planet. Even on Earth if we are not careful it is easy to exceed the body’s limitations. In fact there are so many things out of our control that could have gone wrong up to this point, that it is a miracle that we are here at all.
A large part of this miracle that keeps us alive is the immune system. It represents our strength i.e. our resilience to the negative effects of any of the causes of diseases. The entire mind body and soul is a part of that defence system and at a base level the immune system is made strong by our overall energetic condition.
Disease is caused by those energies that interfere with the harmony of the bodies energies.
There are two main causes of disease;-
1 - External Environment – The weather, Food, Pollution, viruses,
Bacteria etc.
2 - Internal Environment – Lifestyle, birth condition, mental
health, emotion and exhaustion etc.
Our body functions through the constant process of change. We fill then empty. We get hot in exercise then cold in rest, weak then strong, awake then asleep, and so on. The processes of change are like waves within us. These can also be described as pulses or rhythms. Like the climate of the Earth*2 there is microcosm within macrocosm like progressive winters and summers moving toward or away from ice ages. Our first conscious control of these rhythms begins with our breath. The rhythms of our body are influenced by the patterns of our breathing some directly and others indirectly. This is known as our internal movement.
Mental and physical health cannot exist without each other, they are co-dependent. Our decisions are governed by our perception, which in turn is effected by our internal values and so these values effect the quality of our life.
There is a very close connection between our consciousness, our breath and the energy of the atoms which construct everything in our life. Before we can unlock the potential within us with regard to directing and harmonising with these energies we must first identify the deepest aspects of our consciousness, those not dependant on our mundane perceptions.
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