In the West the 'Corpuscular' or the atomic model of our reality was not proposed by scientists till the late 1600's, probably starting with Newton but not conclusively proved until the work of Einstein.
One of Newtons most famous observations is: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This has been illustrated in the Chinese Tai chi symbol (Yin/Yang), the Indian concept of karma, and the concepts of matter and anti matter, also proposed in the expansion and contraction of the universe.
Expansion can only occur as a separation between opposites. This is the original concept without which it is not possible for anything to exist. Substances are formed by the balance of their opposites. There is no up without down, no heat without cold and no night without day.
Isaac Newton was born in 1624 and was six years old at the beginning of the thirty years war between Catholics and Protestants. In 1663 fifteen years after the wars end in a time of plague and the recent invention of the steam engine, the Royal Society of science was founded. Its moto is that, no one has the right to swear a person to obedience blind, (Latin, 'Nullus in Verba'). This was a sign of the times in that it reflected the protest against the dominance of the Catholic church who demanded 'blind faith'.
Note: (The definition of 'Propaganda' is; - Originally a section of the Roman Catholic Church; founded in 1622; charged with the spreading of Catholicism: The practice of propagating tenets.)
Newton’s enormous contribution to our scientific understanding of the Universe led to him becoming the president of the Society, and helped us to return from the dark age of ignorance. What is perhaps less known is that Newton’s main emphasis of discovery was alchemy and rediscovering the occult wisdom of the ancients.
In 1942 the economist John Maynard Keynes after studying Newton’s Alchemical works said “Newton was not the first of the age of reason, he was the last of the magicians.”
Newton’s work defined so many of the laws of nature that it lead to our view of reality being called the 'Newtonian Universe'. Today Quantum science has shown that Newtons work was incomplete, though this fact was not lost on Newton himself. For example: Although Newton defined many of the characteristics of gravity, (the existence of which, still remains a mystery today), he maintained it was the work of God.
Newtons contemporary of the time, Laplace presented his 'Exposition of the World System' to Napoleon, saying that he had no need of a hypothesis which would need to mention a creator. After Newtons reading of the work, he noted the absence of explanation of the 'gravitational and harmonious movement of the planets' and labelled Laplace's theory 'a perpetual miracle'.
What does it mean that Newton studied Alchemy, was he trying to turn lead into gold?
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
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