Sunday, 1 March 2009
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Beginning Meditation
Some people have trouble because they think too much, some because they don’t think enough. Some can not make a decision and others become obsessed with one train of thought. There are those who never speak up for themselves and others who never stop talking long enough to listen. It is only by realising we are not our thoughts which allows us to see clearly the rhythms of balance necessary for life.
Achieving a clear mind –Does not mean Empty. When the mind is empty the heart is free to use the mind.
Consciousness is only limited by the limitless possibilities i.e. ‘too many choices’
It’s said there are many paths to the top of the mountain but there is only one peak. In the same way there are many methods of meditation described such as; Taoist, Tantric, Buddhist, Tibetan, Yogic, Transcendental and many others but these are different words applied by different teachers using different approaches to achieve the only one actual state of meditation.
Zen is the word used by Bodhidharma to express the understanding of the instantaneous awakening of ‘meditation’ or in a sense going directly to the peak.
The modern book the Power of Now is a useful example of this understanding as described to a western audience.
There are as many internal practices as there are things you wish to achieve but they all fall into two categories, known as; 10,000 to 1 (making your consciousness as small and concentrated as possible) or 1 to 10,000 (making your consciousness as far reaching as possible).
Example Methods of Practice
Sitting – Although the lotus position (sitting crossed legs) is a useful position to concentrate on things other than your physical being it is by no means essential to meditation. It is common because once positioned the body requires little further attention and it is not usual to fall asleep in this position, which can be an obstacle to your progress during the deep relaxation of the training.
First find any comfortable position where you can let go without falling asleep. When beginning it is beneficial to sometimes change position. Forcing your body to stay in a position it is not fit to withstand will damage your progress more than practising in shifts.
Strong Thought and Feeling – When you silence your mind you may find that you become aware of strong thoughts and feelings that you have previously been suppressing. By example: you feel exhausted or you keep thinking of something that you should get done. Although you can fight through these and they will eventually pass it is also worth considering listening to them. Perhaps you should go and get the thing done before you practice.
Set your alarm and sleep for half an hour then return to your practice. This has an added advantage that waking from sleep has a similar brain wave occurrence to that which you will experience in meditation. If the thoughts are deeply psychologically troubling, do not rush take them at a pace that you can handle, but also consider, it is best to face ourselves in meditation because we are going to have to face ourselves at sometime before death. “A stitch in time saves nine.”
Breathing methods – Any of the five breathing methods as described will help you to settle and will help keep your body comfortable.
Usually method one is enough, though varying the breathing methods can help you resettle during practice. After a chi kung session you will find it easier to breath easily from the abdomen while your attention is directed elsewhere.
A good beginning practice is to, focus only on the breath, counting each breath up to 10, then start over. When thoughts arise, just observe them and let them go. Breathe slowly and silently.
Exercise 2 -Holding the Flame
Light a candle. Focus only on the flame. Periodically close your eyes and hold as detailed an image of the flame in your mind as long as you can. When you loose it look at the flame again and resettle yourself.
In doing this you will train your imagination, concentration and self control. You will have to fight the many reasons your mind will come up not to continue. Boredom is a big one; but you can find peace without constant reliance on external entertainment. It is the nature of the mind to seek problems to solve. Fight negativity by finding existence.
Exercise 3 - Prayer
Focus positively on someone you love. This can be a person, animal or religious figure. This includes deeply heart felt concentrated prayer.
“O Me Toe Four” (one of the names of Buddha) spelt as it sounds. Repeat the four syllables in equal timing. The vibration will help to harmonize and relax the rhythms of your body and regulate the breathing. Try to resonate the sounds in both the abdomen and sinus. While you are inhaling continue the chant in your mind.
Chanting can also be done to assist in other exercises.
1 – 10000 (Expansion)
Exercise 4 – Daydreaming
Some people require no teaching they just instinctively/naturally know how to let themselves go there. (This does not apply to all daydreaming. It is the depth which makes the difference)
Exercise 5 - Empty observation
Just relax, do not allow yourself to rest your mind on any thing at all, since you have been practising focus meditation you may have to un-train your mind from resting on things.
If you realize you’ve been focusing on your breath again, just realizing it is enough. Just go back to relaxed open awareness.
Exercise 7 – Sound, Touch, Smell, Taste, Sight.
Focusing on one sense to the exclusion of all else. For example sitting to see how far you can expand the limit of your hearing. You will notice it expand in relation to your attention. Example: How many individual bird songs can you hear.
Exercise 8 – Location (Chi practice)
When asked “where are you within yourself?” most people will answer “the head”
If you are located within your head, you are perceiving from thought central. By being there you are directing energy there, and your brain will not want to let go of this.
However the brain will actually work better in the long run if you rest it from time to time. By moving the weight of your attention down into the body the first thing you may notice is that the weight of burden lifts off of your shoulders, and your heart area expands. You may find that this reminds you of your Inner Child. (By child I do not mean weak, inexperienced or without responsibility but that part of you that is lifted by a new piece of music). In deep meditation, if you meet angels or demons, ignore them because they are just reflections of yourself and will pass.
After Meditation you may find yourself happy for no apparent reason and problems of great magnitude now seem no longer a large obstacle.
Other practices are just that, practice or preparation for being able to make this leap and consistently stay there.
Chi kung (sinking, storing and circulating chi) is also a practice for this purpose. In the Horian Way the Ankh is unstable until the erection of the spine of Horus.
The key is clarity. Clarity is concentration. Concentration is power. Our power of concentration can be trained in both stamina and clarity.
In a period of meditation the depth that you achieve is more beneficial than the amount of time you have been practising.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Breathing Method One - Standard Breathing
Close your eyes; relax and visualise a small fire in between your eyes. At the same time visualize a bigger fire coming from the location of the Dan Tien.
Step 2) Picture B
(Keep the tongue at the roof of the mouth)
Inhale gently through your nose pulling down into the dan tien by expanding the lower abdominal muscles (not expanding the chest)
Hold for two seconds while visualizing the two fires burning more fiercely.
Step 3) Picture C
Exhale through the mouth, dropping the tongue behind the lower teeth. Contract the lower abdomen expelling the same volume of air as you drew in. Keep visualizing the two fires. Hold for two seconds and do not inhale again by expanding the chest. This is one breath.
Equal Importance of Heart and Spine
The ‘Tu’ channel at your back is ruled by your spine and the ‘Jen’ channel at your front is ruled by your heart.
The spine is the most important bone in the body but with thirty two joints it is easily prone to loss of condition.
It is said in Tai Chi chuan -“If the Chi is sufficient and the spine is correct then there will be no illness.”
The spine is often referred to as the root because it is connected to all the internal organs. This is why development and energetic condition of the (Tu Mo) is so important.
So awareness of the danger should not be taken lightly. The Root meridian originates at the soul of the foot grounding us to the Earth's energy.
Instead, consider the balance of spine from the top of the back of your head down to your base.
Relax and try to let the spine support itself. To assist this pump your breathing from the stomach, reasonably fast for about ten repetitions. Depending on the condition of your Tu Mo you should feel some ease in lift up through your back.
The head is heavier than we realize and for the benefit of the spine we should be mindful to balance it rather than let it hang on the neck. It may be helpful to imagine the crown is supported from above. Our head will commonly follow the eyes, so if you look down a lot try not to let the head follow for prolonged periods.
The second common problem is the stomach. If we do not use the stomach to breath correctly, over time it will begin to hang or sag. This will tilt the pelvis forward and so not support the base of the spine. This is common cause of ‘sciatica’ causing nerve pain down through the legs and progressive poor posture. Long term behavioural patterns can cause tightness in any or all of the spines joints. While you assess yourself do not overlook your sleeping conditions. A hard surface is recommended.
“When the Chi is strong the blood is full which is extremely beneficial to the internal organs.”
Note: A sign of good internal health and strong energy condition can be seen in the skin, nails, eyes and hair.
The Centre - Dan Tien
The centre of our body is our abdomen. Here also is the largest concentration of the water in our body and also where most of our food energy is stored. The hip, our centre of balance is where most of our movements originate and here our spine lifts and supports the rest of our body.
The energy we are born with given to us by our parents is referred to as pre-natal chi, After birth we begin to consume this and only partly replace it as we go along with what is known as post-natal chi which we get from food and air. Although Chi is a natural occurrence in every body’s existence the art of its development is a process of harmonizing with nature through breath, movement and correct visualisation.
You and the Observer
In the same way a chair can be a separate item, and at the same time a part of a café. There is no conflict with it being both at the same time. Separation is a temporary illusion created by the mind, but not one that is necessary for you to be able sit on the chair.
In the scientific observations of reality, the 'ego' is referred to as the 'observer', but the conclusions as shown below can appear contradictory;
Classic Physics – Newton
Objective reality exists independent of the observer.
Relativity – Einstein
Description of objective reality is dependent upon the position of the observer within the system.
Quantum Mechanics – Holism and Nonseparability
There is no objective reality independent of the ‘observer’. I.e. if the Universe does exist then the observer has to be considered as inseparable from it and interconnected to the greater whole.
In fact there have been only two scientific view points, Newton's; that the individual is separate from the universe (I.e. The Newtonian Universe which led to the theory of determinism) and secondly Einstein; whose discoveries led to the new 'Quantum physics' and 'Quantum Holism' (whole-ism); that everything is connected and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. For example if you dismantle a clock it will no longer tell time.
We currently live in an era where the implications of these Holistic discoveries have not yet been absorbed by the public consciousness. In effect our base values are still drawing on the brilliant yet incomplete work of Newton from the 1600's.
Your mind is a powerful tool. If it is not working for you it may be working against you. 'Chi Kung' is the Chinese art of self exploration and mastery. 'Kung' means; 'practice' or 'accomplished skill'. There is no literal translation of the word 'Chi' in English it is still developing a place in our practical use of descriptive language. Usually it is best understood as the energy of breath, blood or the 'life force'. The key to its application is often more closely connected to sensation rather than to cold calculation.
which the subject experiences within himself.”
The philosopher John Locke
To fully benefit from the process of development explained in this book the first important point is to pay close and honest attention to your self. “...Within humanity is the key to the door of creation.” -Tao Teh Ching
“Acupuncture has been known in China for thousands of years, but until very recently it has been regarded by Western physicians as nothing more that one of the many forms of “quack” medicine. This view was also taken by orthodox (that is, Western-style) physicians in China itself until well into 19950s.
However, Mao Tse-Tung's instruction to the medical profession in China to “investigate the great treasure house of ancient Chinese medicine” led to a reappraisal of acupuncture. Chinese anaesthesiologists were surprised to find that the technique could induce complete absence of pain during a wide range of surgical operations- although it was some years before they could convince their colleagues in the West of this.
The value of acupuncture in anaesthesiology is now documented, but its effectiveness as a form of treatment is still under investigation.
Why should it work at all? No Western or Chinese doctor has come up with a truly satisfactory explanation, although some have suggested that the insertion of the needle may in some way alter the balance between two important divisions of the nervous system, known respectively as the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems. Western-style Chinese physicians have recently theorized that the needles may affect some minute structural network of the body which has not yet been discovered by anatomists.
The traditional Chinese acupuncturists maintain that the insertion of needles along certain “meridians” affects the inter-reaction of the two life-forces, which in their philosophy are termed 'Yin' and 'Yang.' “ - Hamlyn Medical Encyclopedia.
The reason that the explanation of the function of Chinese medicine has not yet been found to be satisfactory by Western physicians is because, it does not yet fit into the Western system of understanding. The two systems are based on two different sciences and have different classifications of base elements. It is as difficult as trying to teach someone to drive by only using the language of chemistry, or as Abraham Maslow said, “If your only tool is a hammer then you tend to view every problem as a nail.” There are results during experimental treatments which are referred to as Placebo because these effects cannot be explained by the Western method. But what does cause these effects? Perhaps the Eastern system is better placed to explain how this internal influence can be developed and put to good use by each of us.
To understand the ancient system we need to find a place where the two schools of thought are in definite agreement and build from there: Science*1 has taught us that; 'Everything at its base level is a form of Energy'. In fact as long as mankind has been thinking we have been analysing our place within this energy and the processes of its nature.
Modern sciences have classified types of energy in an ever growing number of useful ways from Calories of food and Watts of electricity to the chemical elements of the periodic table. This has resulted in great advances of technology and medical/surgical remedy. However we are often left needing to consult an expert in each of the many fields depending on the problem we find ourselves facing. This often tends towards people seeking help for their ailment only after it has become chronic. This in turn puts a great strain on emergency medical resources and leads to long patient waiting.
Taoism, the ancient Chinese science (or way) of nature identifies energies through logic by classifying them firstly by the broadest characteristics and then by further subdividing in the same way as western science. However it differs in its classification of the elements because of its aim to find a holistic understanding of everything we encounter in relation to the process of our own five senses. If we can find a language to unify these two knowledge bases including this preventative attitude it would be of great benefit to our complete understanding.
There have always been unscrupulous medicine salesmen in both of these cultures but we must not let them distract us from the value of either of these systems. Language reflects the culture of logic from where it originates. Both Eastern and Western cultures share the same ancient knowledge base as explained previously.
From the Taoist perspective the second vital point of understanding is the importance of breath. It is our first access to control of the energy of our body.
(Han Dynasty, 200 B.C.E. – 220 C.E.)
‘Health, well-being, and long life can only be achieved by remaining centred with one’s spirit,
Guarding against squandering one’s Chi,
Using breath and movement to maintain the free flow of Chi and Blood,
Aligning with the natural forces of the seasons,
and cultivating the tranquil heart and mind.’
Friday, 20 February 2009
Water and Consciousness
Our body is between 70 and 85% water, all living things are in fact water containers of one sort or another.
Water is an incredible substance, it is the most corrosive substance on Earth and is unique among the 15 million known substances in that its solid state is less dense than its liquid state. The enormous force which it exerts as it freezes has been used by stone masons to quarry rock during the night freezes for millennia. This characteristic is likely connected to its incredibly high surface tension, which enables it to climb to limitless heights by capillary attraction. Without this characteristic plant life as we know it would not exist.
Water has other unique characteristics which distinguish it from other substances with molecules of comparable mass. Chemists refer to these as the “Anomalous” properties of water. Although water is always chemically H2O, at a molecular level it forms what are known as 'memory clusters'. Each snowflakes shape is unique because it registers a history of its interactions with the environment.
These structures seem to make water more similar to a gel than a liquid. The geometric shapes of these clusters are currently being investigated due to their apparent reaction to stimulus from their environment, including: vibration, consciousness, emotion, electromagnetic charge and music.
Healthy natural waters such as pure rain or snow have this hexagonal structure, hence ice crystals such as snowflakes show the hexagonal fractal structure locked into form. Hexagonal clusters in water is found around healthy cells of living organisms, and is involved in cellular communication, intracellular water movement, enzyme function and many other metabolic processes. On the other hand, unhealthy, unnatural water often clumps into clusters of five molecules. This “pentagonal” water is found in unhealthy tissue and cells, and in reverse osmosis filtration systems. It increases acid waste and decreases beneficial oxygen in tissue.
Current studies appear to show that the crystalline structure of water clusters are maintained when water flows in natural curves like those of the meanders of rivers, but can be smashed to unenergised formations when it is forced through abruptly angled pipework.
As Bruce Lipton, Mazuru Emoto, and others have shown, your consciousness be it your perception or self esteem, affects the water (and other structures) in your body.
It seems highly likely that the water in your body is actually a part of your consciousness acting as an interface to your physical experiences.
There is nothing more flexible and yielding than water. And yet there is nothing better for attacking the hard and rigid, there is nothing that can do what it can do. So it is that the rigid can be overcome by the flexible, and the haughty by the humble. Yet even knowing this; still no one will put this into adequate practice.
Developing Chi in the Body
“When the heart and kidneys interact properly then essence and function are complete.” This will occur around the stage where the three gates are ready to open for complete Chi flow by connection of the Jen and Tu meridians. (See Stages of Development -Earth phase 3)
The Five Characters of Energy
Fire – The heart produces the energy to pump the blood around the body.
Metal – The blood passes through the lungs where it picks up trace elements.
Water – The kidneys regulate the balance between water and soluble matter (i.e. salt)
Wood – The liver cleans the blood of toxins.
Earth – The spleen holds a reservoir of blood and destroys old red blood cells.
Metal – Solid waste passes out through the large intestine.
First there is the energy of creation, which for the sake of simplicity I will call Ptah (or Tao). Then there is the process of Seth causing the energies of Yin and Yang. Beneath this are an infinite number of types and blends of energy. To begin to comprehend them in a useful way we need to group them into broad categories.
The process of energies in Taoism is known as the Five Transformative Elements or ‘Wu-sing'. These transformations are key to the way of understanding and developing the life energies and their relationships in our bodies.
It is a mistake to think of this system as privative because of its simplicity. It represents the tip of the iceberg so to speak, and its simplicity is what makes it such a useful tool for understanding. There is the possibility of ever increasing complexity of natures way beneath it. These complexities are usually left in the domain of instinct and the subconscious for good reason. It is probably helpful to think of the Wu-sing like a steering wheel which leaves our conscious free for its purpose I.e driving with feeling, rather than flooding ourselves with details from the Engine room.
All five elements are present in the human body and are an important part of understanding the sensations of internal energy practice. Everyone has first hand knowledge of how these substances will interact with each other. They are however not rigid definitions but relative to the situation they are being applied to.
Hydrogen doesn't have an electron, but this does not mean that the rule of 'yin and yang' or 'ba and ka' energy does not apply. The absence of the yin does not prevent the possibility of yin in the future. The volume as such is turned down but it still has the potential to be turned up. Potential creates possible opposites (yin, yang).-The difference between these points is a ‘change’ (change is type of movement). Change is a product of consciousness, all matter is connected to consciousness. Nothing is untouched by consciousness, but it is the complete observer that creates the full potential (as discussed later).
Heat is created by the change of states in the frame of time.
-The colder a substance becomes the more dense it becomes.-Dense substance can be either fluid or solid.
-Hot substance can also be either fluid or solid.(Note; Gas is an extremity of fluidity)
Thus the possibilities are;
1 – Hot fluid substance
2 – Hot solid substance
3 – Dense fluid substance
4 – Dense solid substance
5 – The central neutral substances between.
The substances familiar to everyone which best summarize these brackets of characteristics are;
1 – Fire, 2 – Wood, 3 – Water, 4 – Metal, 5 – Earth.
Balance of the Two Truths
Our body exists in balance with the Universe that contains us. Though remarkably resistant our body will only function within certain environmental conditions such as those of our planet. Even on Earth if we are not careful it is easy to exceed the body’s limitations. In fact there are so many things out of our control that could have gone wrong up to this point, that it is a miracle that we are here at all. A large part of this miracle that keeps us alive is the immune system. It represents our strength i.e. our resilience to the negative effects of any of the causes of diseases. The entire mind body and soul is a part of that defence system and at a base level the immune system is made strong by our overall energetic condition.
Monday, 16 February 2009
The Atomic Sun
It takes about 225 million years for the Earth to travel around the Milky Way, the centre of our galaxy. We travel around attached to our Sun. Without the energy from the sun the Earth would be a frozen dead planet. The Sun drives our climate and weather even though it is 96 million miles from us.
The harmonious distance that we stay from the sun is more than fortunate, because it's said that the temperature of the surface (photosphere) range from 5,500 °C to 6,000 °C and Inside can reach up to 6.5 million °C. To say the sun has a surface is misleading, because it suggests some kind of definite limitation or separation. We all know the actual influence of fire is very different from its visual surface. Its said the surface is 340 miles thick and it's density is one ten millionth the density of water, so banging into it would be the least of our problems. Inside it is even less dense at under 200 billion times the pressure of the earth's surface.
Regardless of the appearance, the Earth actually lives and orbits within the sun itself. Our Sun is part of the life which it makes possible. Its elements physically touch and merge with the building blocks that construct the Earth and its inhabitants. We are in effect part of the sun itself, but how much influence does it have on us and our health, season to season even day to day?
We know the tides of the sea rise and fall pulled by the gravity of the moon in orbit, but even though the moon is often present in the day, we are rarely aware of its presence. In the same way ever-present energies strongly influence our lives whether we are aware of them or not.
Horus - Self Esteem
Nietzsche said; “One who despises himself still respects himself as one who despises.”
Egyptians had no concept of religion and indeed no such word exists in hieroglyphic language. The eminent philologist A.H. Gardiner wrote, ‘we may say that there is no such thing as “religion”; there was only Heka, the nearest English equivalent of which is “magical power”. The 'Magi's' (high priests) main concern, was 'the weighing of the heart'. In other words the effects of the actions of a person during their life on 'the record of their own heart'. A sample prayer from the Egyptian, 'Book of the Dead' reads-
“Heart of my mother, heart of my birth, heart of my life upon earth, rise not in witness against me; be not my adversary in the presence of the divine powers; weigh not against me.... Let it not be said, “Look at what he has done; of a truth he has done it”...”
The Influences of Energy
In Brief :-
Our Environment is the processes of Nature and the experiences of our life, Represented as the Uas staff its better known to us today as our knowledge of science or the Tao (Way of Nature).
Our Body includes our health and abilities (I.e. Nature/Nurture), the strengths and weaknesses we are born with, and those that we develop and strengthen. The physical body is known to us through the sensation of our five senses.
Our Needs are those things we cannot exist without (food, air etc), and Our Desires are those things we choose to spend our energy on.
Our Creativity is the 'quintessence' and the subject of Chi Kung and the Horian Way.
Our Emotion is the voice of our psyche, the record of our heart, and contains the driving force and personality of the individual.
Happiness :
Many of our decisions are made in the pursuit of happiness, and the sensations connected with happiness are extremely beneficial to our health. The volume or intensity of happiness can range from contentment to euphoria, and there are two basic types of happiness: - 'Temporary', the result of satisfying our basic needs or desires, and - 'Psyche happiness', the result of achieving our three higher needs: Self Esteem, Harmony and Freedom.
Without the possibilities of chaos however there can be no creation or creativity. In any harmony there is a trace of chaos, but life can not exist in extreme chaos. The health of both our physical form and our psyche depends on the balance between the challenges of chaos and the rejuvenation of harmony.
Perception of Energies
Uas staff – (The dividing branch -and tree of knowledge)- understanding of the forces of creation within nature, it represents the freedom and power of possibility and the dangers of Seth (the Original Sin).
Djed – The 'body' or 'spine of Horus', represents our physical sensations, abilities and health.
Ankh – Known as 'the key of life', it is the symbol of, the duality of Ba and Ka, and represents the harmony and condition of our
Psyche. The word Psyche as used in 'Psychology', is derived from the Greek meaning, 'the soul personified'.
Thought and Feelings
It's components consist not only of sight:
The eyebrow represents thoughts. The pupil implies sight, the line spiralling away from the eye shows sound to the ears, the vertical line next to it represents the nose, and the shape of the eye lids around the pupil indicates the mouth.
In Buddhism it is said, the cause of suffering derives from the three poisons that exist within humanity; Greed, Ignorance and Anger. The Tao Teh Ching - #67 says; “I have three treasures. Guard them and keep them safe!The first is love; the second is moderation; the third is humility.”
'Greed and moderation' relate to the understanding of our needs and desires. 'Anger and love' relate to the implications of our feelings, and 'Ignorance and humility' relate to our observation of the unknown, and its possibilities.
Ptahs Sacred Nine - The Enead of Creation
The Traditional date of Chinas first Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty is 1766 .B.C. However there are references to a legendary Xia Dynasty in 2205 .B.C. (During Old Kingdom period of Egypt). There are over two hundred Pyramids in China, but unfortunately not open to examination by foreign nationals.
Can it be mere coincidence that at the centre of this creation was Atum who rose as the ben-ben and (400 B.C) in Greece when Democritus produced his theory; that all things were constructed from tiny elements he chose to name them 'Atoms'? And that the Bibles story of creation chose the name 'Adam' as the first human?
Seth causes the crack in our view of reality by seperating our understanding of the 'duality' between the conscious and the physical world. In Egypt it was written that Seth plucked out the Eye of Horus and cut it into pieces to prevent him from becoming king.
The third key point of chi kung is, the understanding and application of 'duality' the twin perspective of holism which reunifies Seth, i.e. Nephthys (containment). Duality is a word commonly used, but the full dimensions of this understanding can escape even the sharpest of minds. This is because it is the mind itself which can create the obstruction.
There is only one truth and the closer people come to it the more they start to sound the same. The different styles of Yoga and Chi arts are in fact not separate. What appears to separate them is only, language, personalities, and the understanding of different teachers.
There is only one you, and you only have one spine, one heart and one brain, while you practice any of these arts they must become part of you, or else they will just be an empty performance. There are however many different types of you; there is; cautious you, angry you, happy you and so on. In the same way that actors can play different characters in many stories, we can create infinite divisions within ourselves. Our true self is that part of us known as the Heart.
Quoting from translations by J.H Breasted an archaeologist who devoted his life to excavation in the Middle East, particularly Egypt; Ptah ‘pronounced the names of all things, created the sight of the eyes, the hearing of the ears, the breathing of the nose, that they may transmit to the heart. It is he (the heart) that causes that every conclusion should come forth, it is the tongue which announces the thought of the heart…Ptah is proclaimed the Creator and mover of all things.
The world was not created by magic; nor was it created merely according to an intelligent plan; it came into being and is continually sustained by the active operation of intelligence (although I believe a more modern translation would be consciousness), which is the breath of God….. Ptah, surveying his handiwork, was ‘satisfied’, i.e. like the God of Genesis, ‘he saw that it was good.’
Knowledge is Power but Wisdom is Sanity
There is a passage in Plato’s Phaedrus which illustrates the danger with communication. The story is that in Egypt there dwelt one of the old sacred gods of the country, the god to whom the bird Ibis is sacred, his name being Thoth it was he who invented writing. …. The piece goes on to say that, when Thoth revealed his arts to the king (Horus) he feared that if writing was revealed to Egyptians in general it would foster forgetfulness and sloth and would alienate them from the inner world that links them to God and to nature. “Men filled not with wisdom, but the conceit of wisdom, they will be a burden to their fellows…”
Thoth is actually not a person, a God or a strange bird headed alien, it is a representation of a characteristic which exists within all human beings. The story of Thoth revealing his art to the king is an example of an inner debate between two aspects of the same person. The king being the heart, the true self and the wisdom, and Thoth the analitical mind and the store of knowledge. It is an example of considering the consequences of our actions. In this case how the introduction of this (at the time) new method which would ultimately lead to a new type of education, and how it would influence the human consciousness.
The ancient Greeks later assimilated many of the stories of Thoth into their God of Wisdom Hermes, the repercussions of which were transferred into Europe during the Renaissance.
people can be made to see paradise as hell,
to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.”
-Adolph Hitler
Original Crime or Original Sin?
In hieroglyphs the snake represents the connection of the spine to the brain, and it talks because of the duality of human consciousness, which is derived from our own ability to speak. This duality is one dangerous aspect of the Egyptian original sin I.e. the concept of 'separation', which was known to them as 'Seth'.
At least five thousand years ago Ptah's description of creation is considered to be the first, and that which gave rise to all the following netters of the empire. This creation concept became known as 'The Divine Enead' or 'The Sacred Nine', and later by some was regarded as a single divine entity.
Ptah's description of creation was that; 'Atum' appeared as a vibration or pulse. This pulse created the contrast between the extremes of on and off. The separation between extremes of new characteristics continued like the multiplication of bacteria on a Petri dish; 2 became 4, 4-8, 8-16 and so on forming evermore complex variations such as air and moisture until eventually forming the twin star Sirius (known as Osiris and Isis). This was followed by the formation of our sun the earth and eventually mankind.
OK I may have paraphrased but, the only record we have is written In hieroglyphs. The commonly accepted translation of the Enead is:
'In the beginning 'Atum' rose as a 'benben' stone. He then expelled Shu (air) and Tefnut (moisture), and they became the first earthly couple.'
Note: As Ptah is described as the heart and tongue of the God(s) it should be noted there is a rhythm with the repetition in the word 'ben-ben'; This may be intended to imply the heart beat or another primal vibration.
The Enead continues; '...To them Geb and Net were born, (Earth & Sky). They in turn begot two divine couples; Osiris & Isis and also Seth & Nephthys.'
Each of the couples are netters which represent polar opposites of each other: This is similar to a mathematical formula where the system is to enclose concepts within concepts, which if you were to look at with dimensions would look like a pyramid. The relevant criteria being fed in at the base and the holistic result appearing at the apex.
Seth, is the concept of separation (yin & Yang), the original sin which causes destruction and chaos (one example being racism) but is also the original force of Genesis and continues in the present through the power of nature. This is also represented in the 'uas' staff held by all the kings (also explained below).
Nephthys, is containment and the ability of mankind to harness the force of Seth. The skills required for this are the content of the records of Egypt – 'Alchemy'- the internal development of mankind. This ability begins with the 'eye of Horus' the heart of our true selves.
Osiris and Isis are themselves complex: they represent the male and female forces and together form the twin star Sirius, and are considered the parent of our sun. Our sun was first known to the Egyptians as Horus the heart of mankind.
Horus is another box of concepts and as the heart of mankind represents the understanding of our place within existence. The Horian Way is concerned with man's, Health, Psyche and Power.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Genesis – 'The Force of Creation'
Ptah is shown above wearing the strap-on beard like that of the living king. Note; His name as represented above, also contains the emblem the entwined snake of the apothecarian’s cup still used by pharmacists throughout the world.
The First Wise man was known in Egypt at the first dynasty by the name Ptah. Before we can fully appreciate the genius of this contribution to civilisation, it is important to clarify the misconceptions which have occurred through cultural differences.
The common misconception about Egypt says; 'Egyptians worshipped many Gods'. There is a tenancy when looking at history to begin with the assumption that old is inferior to new rather than just different. The philosophers of Egypt were far from primitive and the self they were analysing is the same today as it was then.
Egypt's empire spanned for three thousand years (3100 – 343 B.C.) from the creation of writing to the rise of the Roman Empire. Such an Empire could not have been unified on a foundation of divided theology, especially when we consider that their very concept of 'original sin' was division itself (as explained below). The generalisation comes from the mistranslation of the symbol for the word 'Netter'. The symbol 'netter' was for a long time read as 'God' but in fact means 'concept'. In the same way the modern word 'evolution' is not a type of God but a concept. God was known to the Egyptians as 'The one who's name is hidden'. God being the unknown was regarded as relative to what you were trying to understand, in effect God was the answer to the problem you were facing and so could be described in infinitely different ways depending on circumstance.
With around two hundred and forty generations of rulers, covering three thousand years, is it possible to see a common theme?
The first king of the first dynasty of Egypt (Menes) erected a monument to Ptah and the second to last King, was still being referred to on the Rosetta stone as “Ptolemy the ever-living, beloved by Ptah,” so its reasonable to consider Ptah's influence as being substantial to the Egyptian view of the world.
Ptah was referred to as ‘The heart and tongue of the netters’. To be both heart and tongue is not merely the interpreter of god but the divine mind itself engaged in the act of creation by giving concrete expression to its thoughts.
For the last two thousand years church congregations have listened, to the opening of the fourth Gospel – ‘In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.’ Written originally in Greek like the other gospels it was intended originally for Greek readers. 'In the beginning was the ‘logos’ and logos had been made flesh and was one with man. Hence the incarnate logos, Christ, was also Immanuel, ‘God with us’.
‘Logos’ in Greek philosophy means a creative principle, a fertilizing thought, and an agent of divine energy. The concept of logos also has its parallel in Hebrew thought, sometimes personified as ‘Divine Wisdom’.
Note: (This gospel is ascribed to St John but we do not know for certain who wrote it. On the basis of fragments of papyrus, it was known in Egypt early in the second century AD.)
What was Ptah's creative principle which began the unification of the world we live in today?
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
The Last Magician
One of Newtons most famous observations is: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This has been illustrated in the Chinese Tai chi symbol (Yin/Yang), the Indian concept of karma, and the concepts of matter and anti matter, also proposed in the expansion and contraction of the universe.
Expansion can only occur as a separation between opposites. This is the original concept without which it is not possible for anything to exist. Substances are formed by the balance of their opposites. There is no up without down, no heat without cold and no night without day.
Isaac Newton was born in 1624 and was six years old at the beginning of the thirty years war between Catholics and Protestants. In 1663 fifteen years after the wars end in a time of plague and the recent invention of the steam engine, the Royal Society of science was founded. Its moto is that, no one has the right to swear a person to obedience blind, (Latin, 'Nullus in Verba'). This was a sign of the times in that it reflected the protest against the dominance of the Catholic church who demanded 'blind faith'.
Note: (The definition of 'Propaganda' is; - Originally a section of the Roman Catholic Church; founded in 1622; charged with the spreading of Catholicism: The practice of propagating tenets.)
Newton’s enormous contribution to our scientific understanding of the Universe led to him becoming the president of the Society, and helped us to return from the dark age of ignorance. What is perhaps less known is that Newton’s main emphasis of discovery was alchemy and rediscovering the occult wisdom of the ancients.
In 1942 the economist John Maynard Keynes after studying Newton’s Alchemical works said “Newton was not the first of the age of reason, he was the last of the magicians.”
Newton’s work defined so many of the laws of nature that it lead to our view of reality being called the 'Newtonian Universe'. Today Quantum science has shown that Newtons work was incomplete, though this fact was not lost on Newton himself. For example: Although Newton defined many of the characteristics of gravity, (the existence of which, still remains a mystery today), he maintained it was the work of God.
Newtons contemporary of the time, Laplace presented his 'Exposition of the World System' to Napoleon, saying that he had no need of a hypothesis which would need to mention a creator. After Newtons reading of the work, he noted the absence of explanation of the 'gravitational and harmonious movement of the planets' and labelled Laplace's theory 'a perpetual miracle'.
What does it mean that Newton studied Alchemy, was he trying to turn lead into gold?
The Mental Environment
The central book of Conventional (or Behavioural) Psychology is 'The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders',and is published by the American Psychiatric Association. Although it contains descriptions of many varied abnormal mental conditions, nowhere does it describe what mental health actually is. Thus mental health is left to be considered the absence of disease.
Abraham Maslow belongs to a later school of 'Humanistic Psychology' who believe that to fully understand the human condition we should not only look at “...the darker meaner half of the individual. We must deal with the questions of value, individuality, consciousness, purpose, ethics and the higher reaches of human nature”, and that looking only at sickness would produce only a sick philosophy.
Consequently by studying people such as; Einstein, William James, Eleanor Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson, Maslow added new levels of conscious experience to the scale above and beyond the 'ordinary'. These he named 'Self Actualisation' and 'Transcendence'.
'Self Actualisation' means to bring yourself fully into Universe, I.e. to be fully achieving your potential.
'Transcendence' or Transpersonal Psychology is similar to the Eastern concept of Enlightenment and is achieved through 'peak experiences' which transcend the self. These peak experiences are described as 'The most desirable of human experience, with feelings of oneness with everything, no limits of time or space and the experience of which change and strengthen the individual'. However it is also said that the concept of peak experience can only be fully understood by those who have had such experiences themselves.
Maslow gives eight pieces of advice to attain Self Actualisation which are;
1- Experience things fully and selflessly – concentrating on the 'here and now' using Zen mindfulness therapy.
2- Life is an ongoing process of choice between safety and growth – choose growth more often
3- Let the self emerge – when in doubt be honest and take responsibility.
4- Listen to your own tastes and be prepared to be unpopular.
5- Use your intelligence, with commitment.
6- Make peak experiences more likely by being able to full fill your natural talents.
7-Find out what is good and bad for you – identify your false defences and give them up.
8- Know thy self.
Note; The ancient inscription at the Greek Temple of Apollo, Delphi simply reads; “Know Thyself”.
Maslow's pyramid of the 'Human Hierarchy of Needs' illustrates the progression of mental health related to human necessities. The lowest or base level is 1; and it is explained that if the needs of any level are not met then our mental health will drop to the associated disorders of that level until these necessities are again met.
1- Physiological needs – Breathing, food, sleep etc.
2- Safety – Security of body, family, health etc.
3- Friendship, family and sexual intimacy.
4- Self esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others and by others.
5- Creativity, morality, challenge, lack of prejudice etc.
6- Self Actualisation – achieving your potential
7- Transcendence of self.
If you walk through any street in any town you are walking through the mental environment. Everything you see is the product of, or has been manipulated by the human imagination. This for the most part forms our day to day reality of our life.
There are two worlds in which we live; there is what is actually happening and there is what we think is happening. Hopefully the two are usually the same but it doesn't always become apparent when they aren't. This can lead to unnecessary hardship in our lives and even long term ill health. If our perception becomes warped we can not achieve our potential and in extreme cases even become a danger to ourselves and others.
Our minds work through a system of filters. To effectively concentrate on something we filter out the mass of information which is not relevant and distracting. What we are left with is known as the conscious and the information filtered out is held in the subconscious. Daydreaming can be an example where we have chosen to filter out everything and focus only on our imagination.
Even if the sub-conscious sees the whole picture the conscious only sees what it has chosen to see. This is why, while under hypnosis people can recall details they were not previously aware of. By taking advantage of, the habits we have in this thought process, stage magicians can sneak something like an elephant on stage without you even noticing it.
We all look out of our own window
In the same way that two people can visit the same place but bring back completely different photographs, so each of us can perceive drastically different worlds. Our own worlds are however linked and greatly influenced by other people. We spend most of our time thinking about other people; whether at work, socially or in the media. We tend to make friends with those who's perception of the world is similar to our own, but also spend a large part of our time discussing and trying to understand those who seem to live in different worlds entirely. “I mean, what were they thinking?” or “What planet are they on?” are common modern phrases.
If a person is in a room full of people who all tell them it is four O clock while their own watch tells them it is six, then the chances are they will reset their watch to the majority time regardless whether it is correct. In the same way much of how we perceive the modern world is based on what is described to us by other people. This is usually helpful to society because we cant all be everywhere at the same time. But the saying 'History is written by the victors' is a useful reminder that the true reality is not always clear black and white but 'relative' as described by Einstein.
Our parents, school and the media teach us many things about how to interpret our reality. These experiences save us valuable time from generation to generation, time which we can then devote to new discoveries and thus move forward as a species. However some complex concepts colour each of our mental environments and can be passed between us without our conscious awareness.
Our concept of self is known in psychology as the 'ego'. In common language ego is a word often used in place of ‘Egomania’ - I.e. abnormal self obsession. The belief that we are separate and so ultimately alone can lead to fluctuation between severe introversion and lack of confidence or delusional overconfidence. This condition has been described as bipolar disorder or previously as manic depression.
We define ourselves by what we do not know and by what we are not aware of. I stop where the unknown begins. But consider, though we can not move or feel our hair, we do not consider it separate, so why is the ground we walk on or the air we breathe separate?
Ego does not have to be a problem, it is a natural by-product of human thought. Each one of us has unique characteristics which make us who we are, and it can be difficult to be confident and express our creativity without being in touch with who we are, but to see only this single perspective can prevent us from achieving our full potential.
The Importance of Breath
We often assume that air is just the space between one thing and another rather than the ocean of invisible elements which it contains. We are constantly surrounded by this ocean of air and draw it into ourselves where it permeates all of our body and forms part of us.
At an atomic level air is full of waves of energy such as: Radio, Electrical and magnetic currents etc. Our conscious registers only very few of these and usually only if they reach high enough levels that could become a danger to us.
-Democritus (400 BC)
”By convention there is colour,by convention sweetness, by convention bitterness,but in reality there are atoms and space.”
If you took four atoms out of the air in front of you, one from some stone dust, One from some water vapour, and the other two from wood and metal dust, they would all share something in common. Apart from having the characteristics of the element which they come from they each have a Proton (+) and an electron (-) and also a Neutron (with no charge). In Taoism the proton represents (yang energy +) the electron (yin energy -), and the Neutron (Wu Neutral). In ancient Egypt the equivalent were (Ba +) and (Ka -) & Neutral known as (Nun).
The particles in an atom are not still. The electron is constantly spinning around the centre of the atom (called the nucleus). An atom that carries an electrical charge is called an ion. One peculiarity of this tiny world is that although protons and neutrons behave like small particles. The electron is more similar to a beam of light that surrounds the nucleus like a cloud.
‘When recording the reactions of subatomic particles it was observed that the results were not consistent due to the apparent effect of the observers influence on the particles due to their expectations. Thus the observer has to be included in the parameters of the experiment.’
which are usually squandered in the
mundane perceptions of the five senses.”
- Chen Man-ching (Grand master Tai ji chuan)
The frequency at which the electron interacts with the proton can be due to the level of heat energy present. The kind of energy that can be released by splitting an atom is a useful example of the power of polar opposites as is described in Tai chi theory.
Through Tai Chi and Chi Kung practice the meridians and channels of our body are strengthened and intensified for our benefit. In Chi development the first two energies to observe are water (our body is 90% water) and fire (energy of the electron.)
As we breathe, we absorb these atoms and their energy which adds to the energetic waves flows (meridians) already in our body. These meridians exist in the body in the same way that consistent currents such as the ‘North Atlantic Drift’ exist within the ocean or how the magnetic forces of the Earth flow through the North and South Pole. These energy flows do not just flow like water following the path of least resistance but are influenced by the expectation of consciousness. The Chi arts are the culmination of what has been learnt about our ability to influence and cultivate these energies within ourselves, and at the higher levels also influence these energies in one another.
A common symptom of poor health is a lack of energy. If our energy is low we probably look first to food or sleep, maybe we even recognize our high need of water consumption but do we consider the effect of our consciousness on our physical health and our constant need to consume the air around us?
Experiment: Take a breath then fully exhale, hold your nose and close your mouth. Try to fight your habit to inhale again for as long as you can. You should notice your body begin to get hot, you may even begin to sweat. You may even notice your abdomen begin to jump. Without exercise your body has already raised the metabolism and you probably feel a little more awake than you did before. The practices detailed in this book strengthens the metabolism making recovery from the inevitable effects of life faster.
Our body exists in balance with the Universe that contains us. Though remarkably resistant our body will only function within certain environmental conditions such as those of our planet. Even on Earth if we are not careful it is easy to exceed the body’s limitations. In fact there are so many things out of our control that could have gone wrong up to this point, that it is a miracle that we are here at all.
A large part of this miracle that keeps us alive is the immune system. It represents our strength i.e. our resilience to the negative effects of any of the causes of diseases. The entire mind body and soul is a part of that defence system and at a base level the immune system is made strong by our overall energetic condition.
Disease is caused by those energies that interfere with the harmony of the bodies energies.
There are two main causes of disease;-
1 - External Environment – The weather, Food, Pollution, viruses,
Bacteria etc.
2 - Internal Environment – Lifestyle, birth condition, mental
health, emotion and exhaustion etc.
Our body functions through the constant process of change. We fill then empty. We get hot in exercise then cold in rest, weak then strong, awake then asleep, and so on. The processes of change are like waves within us. These can also be described as pulses or rhythms. Like the climate of the Earth*2 there is microcosm within macrocosm like progressive winters and summers moving toward or away from ice ages. Our first conscious control of these rhythms begins with our breath. The rhythms of our body are influenced by the patterns of our breathing some directly and others indirectly. This is known as our internal movement.
Mental and physical health cannot exist without each other, they are co-dependent. Our decisions are governed by our perception, which in turn is effected by our internal values and so these values effect the quality of our life.
There is a very close connection between our consciousness, our breath and the energy of the atoms which construct everything in our life. Before we can unlock the potential within us with regard to directing and harmonising with these energies we must first identify the deepest aspects of our consciousness, those not dependant on our mundane perceptions.
The Race for Survival
In his book 'Principles of Biology (1864),' Herbert said; “This survival of the fittest, which I have sought to express in mechanical terms, is that which Mr Darwin has called 'Natural Selection', or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life”.
This powerful twist on words was used to connect our very survival to the gathering of wealth and the separation of races (not species), the implied message is 'survival of the wealthiest and most military'. It is said that Nazism and Eugenics was a result of this perverse justification of greed. There are of course many species, but only in fact one human race.
Darwin was a student of nature, and there is only one thing that is separate from nature, that being; 'human nature'. Money is a human concept designed to avoid the desperate necessities of life in the wild, through the collective planning and organisation of resources.
So what does separate 'human nature' from 'nature'?
Simply that we can talk, and so communicate concepts of the effects of our actions on nature. This itself depends on the first concept communicated being; – 'Our survival, does not depend on being the fittest if we can cooperate'. Thus we chose not to be subject to nature by taking an objective view.
There is concern in the world that the explosive growth of our obviously fit population has become a threat the Earth's ability to sustain us. Thus we need to compete even more vigorously for the dwindling resources. This appears to reaffirm a return to the base condition of nature, that of conflict, mistrust and separation. It is even suggested by some self proclaimed enlightened minds that 'war' is a natural and inevitable method of culling the population.
It is plain however, for anyone who wishes to see, that the poor areas of the world have the largest population growth, and that wealth attracts the most potential mates. Thus the wealthy have the most sex and yet the poor have the most children. The Earth is easily capable of feeding every person alive today, except for bad management of available land. Perhaps a more natural contraception would be a looser grip on wealth and education?
For our ancestors to rise to a position of cultivating nature rather than being subject to it, an understanding was essential of the five elements which do determine survival;
1) Air (fire),
2) Water,
3) Food (earth),
4) Shelter (wood),
and; the 5th which is where our problems start.
5) is cooperation itself (Metal).
Whether this is the cooperation of man with a tool, the cooperation of two substances to create a third, or two or more people working together. This element is often debated or even overlooked completely, but it is what gave us power over nature. This element is the home of human magic (creativity). It is the human mind and the element which we have a responsibility to embrace and master. To fear it and suppress awareness of it can lead to grave side effects. It is simply Quintessential. (Quint – being Latin for 'five' and essential – meaning 'essence or element')
Modern humans coexisted with Neanderthals on Earth for at least ninety thousand years. For a long time we assumed they died out because they were some kind of sub-standard branch of humanity.
In 1921 H.G Wells described Neanderthal – “Hairy or grisly, with a big face like a mask , great brow ridges and no forehead, clutching an enormous flint, and running like a baboon with his head forward, not like a man, with his head up, he must have been a fearsome creature for our forefathers to come upon…”
Then in 1957 anatomists William Straus and A.J.E Cave re-examined the La Chapelle fossil and realized Neanderthal man did not walk stooped with bent knees on the outside of his feet, these were the remains of an old Neandertal man, who had been suffering from advanced arthritis until his death. He had been lowered into a prepared trench by companions or family, and during his life, he would have needed to have been cared for long after his arthritis-racked body could no longer fend for itself. Since then we have found that Neandertal was generally larger than modern human in both, physical strength and brain size.
The only substantial difference between the two branches of humanity was simply 'art'. Archaeologists found cave paintings and burial remains of ‘double wise man’ (Homo Sapien) in France that dated back 35,000 years. Still today tribes people believe it is essential to perform rituals of creative visualisation before hunting. This art illustrates our ability to create through the imagination of our minds eye and today nearly all of our environmental surroundings are the product of this ability.
If we were able to show a mobile phone to a someone of five hundred years ago they probably would have said it was magic. With each generation we progressively cocoon ourselves from the forces of nature that gave birth to us, but have we yet seen the full potential of our magic in the environment we are manipulating?
There is a great misconception in the modern world regarding the potential of 'magic'. Magic has become synonymous with illusion and trickery. No longer is it a natural attribute of modern human since it was redefined by the Catholic Encyclopaedia as;
‘The art of performing actions beyond the power of man and with aid of powers other than the divine’. And condemned it as ‘a grievous sin against the virtue of religion, because all magical performances, if undertaken seriously, are based on the expectation of interference by demons or lost souls’. Thus human magic was regulated and restricted to acceptable boundaries of understanding and exploration.
The ignorance and superstition of our dark ages led to the unjust execution and torcher of many innocents for no other reason than fear of the unknown. The modern term ‘magic’ originally comes from the Greek ‘magos’ which denoted priests and seers from the East, notably Persia, India, Babylon and Egypt. For example in the Greek Gospel of Mathew, the 'Magi from the east' who follow the star of Bethlehem.
Hidden Potential
“The story of the Human Race is the story of men and women selling themselves short”
- Abraham Maslow (Psychologist).
In the three and a half centuries since the plague Adam Smith’s model for the Industrial revolution has improved standards of health and education by utilizing the resources of the Earth. But in the modern era it’s clear we have now conquered the Earth, so much so, that we are now just beating it to death.
Civilization is the result of our understanding and manipulation of nature. However, we ourselves are also part of nature. We are born, we grow older and we die and our bodies function according to the same laws of the universe as everything in nature. So when we look in the mirror, we are also looking at nature. Omnipresent, nature is the reality of our existence.
The power of nature is as great as the entire universe, because it is itself the processes which created and sustain the substance of everything we know. By elimination there can only be one other force which exist, and that is consciousness. Modern scientific research has currently evolved to a point of studying our own conscious influence at subatomic and molecular levels. By understanding our influence at this level we should begin to be able to understand the potential of our ability in our larger everyday world.
‘When recording the reactions of subatomic particles it was observed that the results were not consistent due to the apparent effect of the observers influence on the particles due to their expectations. Thus the observer has to be included in the parameters of the experiment.’
Our desires all share something in common, whether we desire to be rich, famous, super fit or even in love, they are all expressions of how we would like to feel. It is difficult to achieve our goals if we feel bad or negative. Our feelings are a vital part of our consciousness and they drive us like the wind in our sails.
The popular medical view is that depression is caused by an unnatural chemical imbalance in the brain of low serotonin levels. However this is only a symptom. If we are not happy then we are enduring, which is natural, but to have the strength to endure we need a reason, or an understanding. In short the cause of long term depression is itself our need to understand. This is the human condition, the search for Enlightenment, the proverbial Holy Grail.
In our heart most of us abhor the suffering we see in the world, but also feel powerless to do anything about it. We each look for an enemy, a target to put things right but there is no single ‘Dr Evil’ planning to take over the world. There are just bad ideas running wild and unnoticed through each and every one of us. There are two main reasons that we have allowed these bad ideas to go unnoticed. The first is the belief that there is no God and so the Universe is out of control consequently it can’t be our responsibility. The second is that God exists, but is a separate entity from us, and so what happens is his responsibility. There is however an alternative.